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university of siena中文是什么意思

用"university of siena"造句"university of siena"怎么读"university of siena" in a sentence


  • 合写的几本著作我在锡耶纳大学


  • For students who want to obtain a recognised certificate regarding their level of italian , such as the cils , awarded by the university of siena or the celi , awarded by the university for foreigners of siena and the university for foreigners of perugia , we offer special preparation courses
  • While it ' s good to have a powerful distraction for children getting painful medical procedures , it is also troubling " because we have demonstrated the excessive power of television , " said chief author , carlo bellieni , a father of three and a neonatologist and pediatrician at the university of siena in italy
    对接受痛苦的医学治疗的孩子们来说,虽然有一个强大的分心物是很好的,但是这同样也挺麻烦。身为三个孩子之父的意大利锡耶纳大学新生儿学专家儿科医生,也是主要著作人的卡罗.伯利尼说道: “因为我们已经证明电视有过度的影响力。 ”
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